This Newly Discovered Protein may Conspire to Keep your Heart Healthier


Deaths due to failure of heart has become very common these days. The main cause of this is an inactive lifestyle and unhealthy dietary habits. Hence, researchers from the University of Ottawa has acknowledged a protein called as cardiotrophin 1. This protein enables the heart to pump more amount of blood in a similar way when the blood flows during pregnancy or doing a heavy workout.

The study published in the cell research journal divulges that this protein helps in repairing the damaged heart, recover the heart failure and progress proper blood flow in animals. Hence, they think this might work in humans as well. Heart failure has become very common all over the world and arises when the heart stops pumping sufficient amount of blood for the other parts of the body.

Heart attack patients have dented muscles of heart tissue. Lynn Megeney, at the Ottawa University, said, “When any part of the heart decreases, all the other residual muscles try to survive by expanding. This process takes place in a debilitating way. Hence, in reality, these muscles do not help the heart to pump the blood properly.”

While, on the other hand, “Cardiotrophin 1 induces the survival of other muscles that raise the heart to pump the blood in a similar way that we notice during pregnancy and exercise”, she further added. The most exciting results the researchers got is that the protein helps in recovering and treating both types of heart failures – the right and the left.

Today, researchers got an alternative for a heart transplant that is needed during right heart failure and drugs that are taken during left heart failure. Failure of left heart is usually followed by the right heart, the researchers say.

Following are some Guidelines to Avoid Heart Failure at Early Stages of Life:

  • Avoid intake of excessive caffeine and alcohol
  • Verify the red meat before consumption
  • Avoid consuming more salt and sugar
  • Take sufficient sleep as less sleep may lead to cardiovascular diseases, stress, anxiety, and obesity