
Amazon Is Going To Pay Three Month’s Salary Plus $10000 To Workers For Starting Delivery Business

When it comes to a business model, Amazon has a simple yet magnificent one. The company has managed to achieve all of those things which every tech startup in e-commerce would want. Now recent reports show that the company’s executives have decided to pay its employees $10000 along with three months salary for starting a delivery business. In 2018 Jeff Bezos declared his plans of expanding Amazon when he said that company’s employees could start their own business. It’s been observed that since many people have praised this move of Jeff because it is ultimately helping Amazon to build its vast network.

Warren Buffet who has never bought any tech companies stock before have recently invested a tremendous amount of money in Amazon. The company said that this new program received many aspiring employee entrepreneurs who are trying to build their businesses. Accordingly, Amazon is going to provide $10000 as an initial investment for these newcomers. Amazon is trying to build its platform of transport to save money, and that’s the reason the company has invested so much money in buying vehicles and even airplanes also.

Amazon got lots of criticism for using US postal service for shifting its goods since it’s increasing the burden on the postal department. Now to counter-attack that problem Jeff has decided to build its delivery platform that too including some of its employees. This new program has already received a good response, and more than 200 contractors have agreed to become part of their delivery team. According to Amazon, these contractors have even hired hundreds of drivers for the delivery of goods. The transport industry is rapidly changing, and in the future, we might be able to see Amazon shaping this industry also.

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Jordan Hayes

Jordan is the correspondent author at He contributed commentaries to various online podcasts for almost 10 years. He has the responsibility of covering technology and business related news especially in the field of AI, smartphones, operating systems, latest and trending gadgets. Bryan's passion for food and things culinary has served him well. he has also spent time with award-winning food critic Alan Richman, the memory which he cherishes for is life.

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